Pitch was to create a prototype for a gamified social platform to promote mental health and well being for danish youth, called Mind The Mind (MTM). The project therefore researched how apps can become playful or pleasurable and then utilize our findings to combine appeal and relaxation into the design of MTM. We compared different apps, especially their playfulness, utilization of game elements and the afforded experiences within their structural framework. Additional focus was the question how they constitute a pleasant and engaging audiovisual play space through the use of loops, feedback systems, interactions and challenges.
The question was also broadened to analyze how can playful experiences can be understood and discussed among game designers and people outside of games? What is the relation between work, training, play and game, and what does this relation teach us about digital experiences intended for mobile devices? Answering these questions helped us to create one approach to apply play to mindfulness and mindfulness to play.
The project is supported by Accelerace, Scale Up Denmark and the European Regional Development Fund by the European Union.
My position was primarily game designer and creative director, while also being in charge of creating and implementing placeholder art for the mobile prototype in Unity. In addition to that I took part in raising funding and pitching the project.
Freelance project, Supervised by Miguel Sicart, in collaboration with Sergio Javier Valderrama Vidaurre and Kristian Svane Rømer. Vision bearer: Martin P. Klee.
Copenhagen, 2018
Development of visual style:
Pitch was to create a prototype for a gamified social platform to promote mental health and well being for danish youth, called Mind The Mind (MTM). The project therefore researched how apps can become playful or pleasurable and then utilize our findings to combine appeal and relaxation into the design of MTM. We compared different apps, especially their playfulness, utilization of game elements and the afforded experiences within their structural framework. Additional focus was the question how they constitute a pleasant and engaging audiovisual play space through the use of loops, feedback systems, interactions and challenges.
The question was also broadened to analyze how can playful experiences can be understood and discussed among game designers and people outside of games? What is the relation between work, training, play and game, and what does this relation teach us about digital experiences intended for mobile devices? Answering these questions helped us to create one approach to apply play to mindfulness and mindfulness to play.
The project is supported by Accelerace, Scale Up Denmark and the European Regional Development Fund by the European Union.
My position was primarily game designer and creative director, while also being in charge of creating and implementing placeholder art for the mobile prototype in Unity. In addition to that I took part in raising funding and pitching the project.
Freelance project, Supervised by Miguel Sicart, in collaboration with Sergio Javier Valderrama Vidaurre and Kristian Svane Rømer. Vision bearer: Martin P. Klee.
Copenhagen, 2018
Development of visual style: